What Is The Best Steam Game For Mac

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Us PC users have it easy when it comes to gaming. But our Mac brethren? Well, that's another story.

But, like in the best free Steam games, you don’t have to, and such trappings shouldn’t detract you. This is a golf game where you can play a round on the alien planet of Starglen, after all.

Apple computers might be sleek, beautiful machines designed for efficacy, but they're a little bit overlooked when it comes to gaming. Well, sort of.

Free ssl vpn client for mac. Because we love you, here are fifteen great Steam games that would totally rock your silvery-white system of choice. In no particular order: Killing Floor Killing Floor is a survival horror FPS in which a team of six must work cooperatively to cleanse the English countryside of hostile creatures — by-products of failed cloning and genetic manipulation experiments. Each round completed grants you money to upgrade your weaponry, and experience adds up to perks you can use to level up your character class. Although not the cleanest game aesthetically, its quality has been proven through its longevity. Released in 2009, fans have been playing it non-stop ever since. It’s even getting a sequel, Killing Floor 2. No word yet on when KF2 is coming to OS X, but don’t let that stop you from joining the fun.

The Killing Floor scene is alive, kicking, and perfect for the casual FPS fan. Besiege Besiege is a construction-based game about the art of destruction. Yes, you're going to build things to destroy other things. Sounds fun right? Using a variety of tools, you must build war machines and vehicles to wreak havoc on fortresses and peaceful villages.


In some levels you must transport objects, in others withstand armies of tiny angry men and tiny sheep that pop like cute fuzzy balloons filled with blood. As of now, the game can be completed within an hour, maybe less if you build a dynamic enough machine. However, Besiege isn’t the type of game you should just power through. The real fun comes with the building process. You’ll either create something magnificent, or something that will destroy itself as soon as you hit the space bar. Although still in Early Access, at only $6.99 Besiege is definitely worth a buy. Counterstrike: Global Offensive Like its predecessors in the series, CS:GO is a multiplayer first-person shooter developed and published by Valve.

The player joins either the Terrorist or Counter-Terrorist forces, and works with the rest of their team to secure different objectives on the map, or simply destroy the enemy team. There are five different game modes, with the most popular being Classic Casual and Competitive. If you die once in a round, you must wait until the next round for re-spawn, which means less reward and a higher chance of defeat. League of Legends If you haven’t heard of League of Legends, let us introduce you to the smash-hit Multiplayer Online Battle Arena that a mere 68 million people are playing worldwide.