如何使用wd My Passport For Mac

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WD my passport 移动硬盘mac上怎么用啊TAT 东西放不进去啊. 还有分区什么的那是什么啊T T电脑废求帮助 还有不是my passport for mac, 就是普通的那种 谢谢啊OTZ 移动硬盘在Mac上使用的时候会发现,不能往硬盘中拷文件。.

引用第8楼米罗于2012-09-21 13:56发表的: 有大小限制吗?. ExFAT(Extended File Allocation Table File System,扩展FAT,即扩展文件分配表)是Microsoft在Windows Embeded 5.0以上(包括Windows CE 5.0、6.0、Windows Mobile5、6、6.1)中引入的一种适合于闪存的文件系统,为了解决FAT32等不支持4G及其更大的文件而推出。对于闪存,NTFS文件系统不适合使用,exFAT更为适用。 相对FAT文件系统,exFAT有如下好处: 增强了台式电脑与移动设备的互操作能力 exFAT.gif 单文件大小最大可达16EB(18 446 744 073 709 551 616字节,就是(理论值,16×1024×1024TB),1TB=1024G) 簇大小可高达32MB 采用了剩余空间分配表,剩余空间分配性能改进 同一目录下最大文件数可达65 536个 支持访问控制 支持TFAT 采用该文件系统的闪存盘不支持Windows Vista ReadyBoost。Windows Vista SP1支持该文件系统。 请注意:exFAT只是一个折中的方案,只为U盘而生。 现在超过4GB的U盘格式化时默认是NTFS分区,但是这种格式是很伤U盘的,因为NTFS分区是采用“日志式”的文件系统,需要记录详细的读写操作,肯定会比较伤闪盘芯片,因为要不断读写。.

WD 社区 It's taken a fall or two to the soft carpet floor from a height of about 16 inches, but I don't think this should be a problem. I'm sorry, but those 16 inches are more than enough to damage a drive. The drive is probably physically damaged.

It doesn't take much of a bump to damage them. Professional data recovery is likely the only solution.

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Joe Well, yeah. Dropping the drive on the floor even from 12-16 inches will break it. Sorry, but if you need the data, you're looking at data recovery, and that's if they can help you. Dropping included, you have several kinds of issues that arise that can cause a drive not to read. The drive itself is broken, which means you can only possibly retrieve your data through data reco.