Office 365 For Mac Update History
Release Date: Release Date: July 04, 2017 What's new? Ability to selectively apply individual style properties to items. Ability to import tasks marked as milestones, as milestones, from Project. Improved detection of 1 day tasks during Excel import.
Improved Style pane usability and design. Fixed Project task duration difference bug. Fixed Project sync bug related to rejected changes during sync.

Update history for Office 365 ProPlus releases. For a complete list of releases, see the following articles: Update history for Office 365 ProPlus (listed by date) Release notes for Office 365 ProPlus releases. For a complete list of release notes by update channel and year, see the following articles: Monthly: 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015. Update history for Office for Mac.; 5 minutes to read Contributors. In this article. Office for Mac that comes with an Office 365 subscription is updated on a regular basis to provide new features, security updates, and non-security updates.
Fixed Project sync bug related to item duration (1 to 0, vice versa). Fixed various small UI bugs. Office Timeline v3.15.1.
Release Date: August 27, 2016 What's new? Release Date: January 16, 2015 New features Smartsheet integration - Ability to create timelines from data New timeline scale options Remember Milestone connector transparency Ability to reset milestone layout (without resetting the entire timeline) Enhancements Improved activation experience Improved first run experience Improved Task pane behavior Improved visual style of thin task shapes Remember manually changed text-box widths for task titles on edge of slide Corrected flag connector layer position Fixed active days calculation Fixed additional known issues Version 3.0.10 (Major).
Many clients have the ability to remember what addresses you have sent messages to, this is known as your auto-complete list. Sometimes you may enter the wrong address for a recipient or the recipient changes their address. The steps below will guide you through the process of either removing an address from this list or clearing the entire list. Note: If you are experiencing an error indicating that no match is found or that the message cannot be sent because one of the addresses is invalid, clearing your Auto-Complete list could solve the issue. Important: Your auto-complete list is not backed up. If you delete an entry or remove all entries from the auto-complete list, there is no way to recover this.
• Outlook on the web • Removing an address from your auto-complete list • In Outlook on the web, click the New button to start composing a new email. • In the To: field, start typing an email address. • Using the up and down arrows on your keyboard, select the email address you would like to remove from the suggested contacts list. Press the Delete key on your keyboard.
Clearing out the entire auto-complete list Note: In order to clear the entire Suggested Contact list, you will need to use Outlook on the web Light. For further information regarding Outlook on the web Light please refer to the following document: • In Outlook on the web Light click the Options button located in the top right. Click Messaging in the left-hand pane. Sapien powershell studio kill script. • Under 'E-Mail Name Resolution' click Clear Most Recent Recipients list. • Outlook 2016 for Windows • Removing an address from your auto-complete list • Open Outlook.

• Click the Mail tab on the bottom of the screen so you are viewing your mailbox. • Click New Email. • In the new e-mail window, start typing the address you want to remove in the To: field. When it appears, click the X button next to the address. Note: If you do not have the ability to delete an entry, then either the address is coming from the directory or your personal contacts. You cannot delete the entries from the directory but you can delete/update entries within your personal contacts (e.g.
Add target line to excel chart for mac. You can also use this method to add an average line in a line chart. Steps are totally same, you just have to insert a line chart instead of a column chart. And, you will get something like this. To do so, you must add an additional series of data and create a secondary line chart within the existing chart. A target line works best when comparing an actual value to an ideal value such. Excel 2013 and Excel 2016, makes the process of adding a target line very simple and easy. Combo charts were added in those versions. Here you will see how the combo chart makes the process of adding a target line to a chart very simple.
Clearing out the entire auto-complete list • Open Outlook. • Click the File tab at the top of the screen. • Click Options. • In the 'Outlook Options' window, click the Mail tab in the left hand pane. • Scroll down to 'Send Messages' and click the Empty Auto-Complete List button. • Outlook 2016 for Mac • Removing an address from your auto-complete list • Open Outlook. • Click the New Email button.
• In the new e-mail window, start typing the address you want to remove in the To: field. When it appears, click the X button next to the address.
Note: If you do not have the ability to delete an entry, then either the address is coming from the directory or your personal contacts. You cannot delete the entries from the directory but you can delete/update entries within your personal contacts (e.g. Clearing out the entire auto-complete list.