Microsoft Word 3x5 Recipe Card Template For Mac

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Do you have hundreds of recipe cut outs and photocopies that you've collected but rarely look at because they're so frustratingly disorganized? Or maybe these clippings just won't fit into a recipe file. Organize your kitchen by creating recipe cards to store your own recipes or share with friends and family.

Feb 14, 2014  Making fancy recipe cards using Microsoft Word is a great way to keep things organized in a highly visual method. Make fancy recipe cards using Microsoft Word. Recipe card templates for ms word, acrobat reader, printable lined recipe cards download a free recipe card template for microsoft word, print 4x6 or 3x5 recipe cards, and find other hi therego to microsoft office online.they have recipe card templates and even a few cookbook templates that i have used before.

Recipe cards also make a great addition to a gift for your favorite chef or a housewarming or bridal shower gift. Thanks to technology, you can now create recipe cards on your computer which you can either print out or store in a digital file. First of all, you need to decide whether you'd like to use a pre-designed recipe card template or whether you want to design your own.

Recipe cards aren't only great for keeping your family favorite recipes safe or making it easier to try out those recipes you've been meaning to get around to but they're also great for sharing. Keep your recipe cards on file so when Susie from down the road asks for your recipe for your famous chocolate cake, you can easily print of a copy for her! Give recipe cards with gifts for friends, for example: • At a baby shower, add in some kid friendly recipes or make ahead meals that will come in handy for the new mum. • When making a dish for a new mum or sick friend, add in the recipe card for the dish you are giving them so that they can make it for themselves.

• For a housewarming party or engagement/wedding gift throw in a couple of your tried and tested recipes for them to use for years to come. • When your kids are moving out, give them a recipe box filled with your family favorite recipes so that they will always be able to make them when they're missing home! (Plus when they can't make them as good as you, they might be more likely to come and visit!). For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: Show Details Necessary HubPages Device ID This is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons.

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