Windows Vs Mac For Programming

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You can buy either one. Doesn't make a difference but. There is a difference in what program that you use for C++. For Windows I use Dev C++. If I were to use a MAC.

I would use Eclipse for C++ programmers. But there also is a difference in how these work for different operating systems. For Windows based PCs, you have to include -- system('pause'); -- which has your code pause so that you can read it. I don't know what to do for MAC but it can't be much different. Ultimately it's your choice. The differences aren't too big.

You can program in C++ in whatever you buy so I would make your choice for other reasons. I think most people will be happiest with a Windows laptop, because that's what most other people have and that runs the same software that most other people run. Personally I hate Windows and avoid it like the plague. If you are really looking for a 'programmer's' system then I would consider Linux, rather than a Mac, but you should try out these other Operating Systems before you spend lots of money on something you really don't like. BTW, its not strictly 'Mac vs PC'. It is 'Mac PC vs Windows PC'.

To put your question another way, which platform is better for programming - Windows or Unix. TBH, it's a no-brainer IMO. Whether that Unix is OS X, or Linux, or FreeBSD makes little difference. Mac vs Windows for Coding. Hashnode is a friendly and inclusive dev community. Come jump on the bandwagon! 💬 Ask programming questions without being judged 🧠 Stay in the loop and grow your knowledge 🍕 More than 500K developers share programming wisdom here.

PC simply means Personal Computer and it can be Mac, Windows, Linux or otherwise. The pervasiveness of Windows PCs has lead to some people associating the term PC only with Windows.

If you do decide to go with Linux, then two distributions I recommend for getting your feet wet are Linux Mint and Ubuntu. Ubuntu is probably the largest Linux distribution and I remember it used to be fairly solid as far as stability goes. Unfortunately, I find that Ubuntu's stability had dropped from the 11.04 version onward.

I'm not 100% sure why, but my guess is that it has something to do with their radically changed new interface. I don't know much about Linux Mint's stability, as it is a Ubuntu derivative but they might have patched a few bugs. However, its interface is much easier to use if you're coming from a Windows background than Ubuntu's. Right now, I think I'd recommend this one over Ubuntu.* *This may not matter to some people, but IMO I also think it's prettier. I program on Windows.

I wouldn't know any reason why it would be better than any other OS for programming; I'm just a Windows 'fan' (I value Windows' flexibility/compatibility over iOS' 'oo shiny' and quite frankly my Windows has never 'randomly crashed' to motivate a switch to linux. I do plan on messing around with linux when my personal system gets a bit too old for gaming.). Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express is very nice (I prefer it over Codeblocks, Eclipse and Netbeans, but I've only used those last two for Java. The C++ experience might be different). I've also had the luxury of using the Visual Studio 2010 Professional and Ultimate editions, but they have far more features than I need. The only thing I really need is the Profiler that comes with it.

Comparison-wise, this post won't help you much, as I've never programmed on an iOS or linux environment. However, you shouldn't rule out Windows. In my opinion, it's the 'perfect' mix of flexibility and user-friendliness (but I suppose linux has improved drastically in that last category as well).

The battle between the Operating Systems is very common these days. Because there are different operating systems that offer a different set of advantages and disadvantages. But the worst part is choosing between them is becoming harder now.

MacOS, Windows or Linux? So to make it easy for you, in this article, we are providing you with everything you need to know which one is better for you. So stay tuned for that. But before moving further we must be familiar with the very basic question and that is, What is Operating System?

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The operating system acts as an interface between the user and the computer hardware. In simple words, a user with the help of operating system manipulates the C.P.U (Central Processing Unit) to get the desired task done.


For example – You want to browse the internet while listening to songs. How will you do it? And What you will need for that?

First of all, you need a Web browser and a media player installed on your computer and by this, we mean a platform where both of the software applications are installed, so to make them work simultaneously. Here the word platform refers to Operating System. Types of Operating System Though there are many operating systems. But here we will only be talking about the most popular ones.