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Click to expand.Not necessarily. I'm in Linux right now, and I've seen the amount of games available through Steam grow by leaps and bounds over the last couple of months. To give you an example, when I first tried it out back in April, I had 15 of my games available for me to play. Now I have 50. On top of that, just about every Kickstarter game out at the moment has a Mac/Linux port planned at release.

Valve knows where they're weakest, and what they need to do if they want to compete with the PS4/Xbone., and they've been talking to developers and throwing around a lot of money to do just that. I believe support is going to grow for the platform faster than you think, from the indies all the way to the AAA publishers. There are also still many games that are ported to Mac that don't reach Linux because the first party studio don't do ports. Even some porting studios that handle PC versions don't do it themselves such as nixxes at Eidos who have done Deus EX HR, Tomb Raider and Hitman Absolution. Or the studio at Capcom that does the same thing for their PC versions.
They instead farm it out to yet another studio such as Aspyr or Feral (Capcom has yet to bring a game to the Mac, speaking of). So unless they suddenly get into Linux porting new studios will have to be formed or else they will continue to not get those games. At this point there are no official announcements the only thing we can do is speculate.

I asked Feral about it when Steam was brought to Linux and they said they want to focus on one platform. How to change data in rows to columns in excel for mac. But who knows what the future may hold. I'd just hope that if they do branch out it doesn't spread them too think that it wouldn't lower their output of new games which is already very low as it is. They don't seem to have enough resources to do a lot of games in a year much less for two platforms. And Aspyr does even fewer games than Feral does. What I do know is porting houses that do AAA games are few and far between on Linux and much of the few games that have reached it lately where done first party. Such as Serious Sam 3 and the upcoming Metro Last Light or the perpetually stuck in limbo Painkiller HD.
Loki software went out of business and Linux Game Publishing hasn't done much new lately that I can tell. Anyway, it seems to me that Valve is hedging their bets on streaming for 'backwards compatibility' (Similar to how Sony is for the PS4. Only not in the cloud). And we'll just have to see how many studios will jump on the native SteamOS game train.