How To Lock Top Bar For Chrome On Mac

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How to Lock Google Chrome Browser. Once you sign-in with your Google Id, you can now use the Google Chrome browser as usual. If you want to lock the Chrome browser just click the profile icon from the top-right corner of it and choose ‘Lock’. Before clicking on your name in the profile icon, make sure that all the works are in progress be.

Google Chrome is great, but it can also get in the way. Whether we’re procrastinating and our hand auto-pilots our mouse to the Facebook bookmark, or if sites show up in our Google search results that we know are probably fake news but we click through anyway because the headline told us to, there are plenty of good reasons why we’d want to block websites on Google’s browser. In this article we take you through every way we could think of to bar certain sites for life (or at least until you unblock them again ) Related. Use the Hosts File Whether you’re on Windows, Mac or Linux, you can use the Hosts file to block specific websites. It may sound a bit techy, but it’s really not that bad and may appeal to those who like the idea of blocking websites without having to mess around with third-party software (and it blocks the sites on all browsers).

If you’re not into this method, scroll down for other ways to block unwanted websites. Here’s how to use the hosts file to block sites on each major platform: Windows • Go to “C: Windows System32 Drivers etc” and open the “hosts” file using Notepad (I prefer Notepad++ myself). • Scroll to the bottom, then under all the hash symbols (you can delete everything marked with the hash symbol if you like, so you have a clean sheet), type “” followed by “localhost.” • On the next line type “” followed by the address of the site you want to block, then repeat this step for every other site you want to block. Linux and Mac The process is exactly the same as for Windows, except you need to navigate to the “/etc/hosts” directory to open the hosts file. Other than that, the second and third points for Windows apply. Personal Blocklist The simplest option if you want to outright block sites from your Google Search results, is an extension generously provided by Google itself.


Once you’ve installed it, you’ll see an option below each of your Google Search results to “Block” the domain of that search result. Click it and that site will no longer appear in your search results. If a blocked site appears in your results, you’ll see a notification at the bottom of the search page telling you that certain sites aren’t appearing because you blocked them, and you can choose the option to “show” them here (though why would you?!?). To manage your blocked sites, just click the Personal Blocklist extension icon in your Chrome toolbar, and you can see all your sites there. Block Site The best thing about is the authentication option.

Once you have configured your list of blocked websites, you can add a password to the Settings page so your children won’t be able to access it and undo it. After installing the extension, open extension settings and add the websites you want to block. Also, check the “Enable Authentication” box and specify the password to block access to the settings. Best external hard drive for mac 2013.