Autocad For Mac Xref Is Text

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My XREF is a chart. This xref has lived in the same location since day one. No layers have changed, no colors have changed. When there is an update it is usually the addition of a symbol (which exists in the XREF off the chart) and some text. Basically moving the desired symbol into place, adding text and saving the drawing. This is done either by directly opening the referenced drawing or by right-clicking the XREF in the XREF dialog and selecting OPEN. Once that is complete, USUALLY, the notification pops up about the xref changing and it is reloaded showing the revisions.

This procedure works flawlessly on the other XREF's in the drawing and in other drawings. I have turned off Vizretain, saved the drawing, closed and reopened the drawing. I have dabbled with every variable I can think of and results are the same. The only thing that works is detaching and re-attaching the XREF. The only thing I can think of is the different platforms that MAY be affecting the result.

The drawings originated in AutoCAD 2017 and has the latest updates. I am working on the drawing in AutoCAD Architecture 2017.

While AA2017 has different features from ACAD2017, it essentially functions the same way. IF this were the cause, why would it only affect this particular XREF and not the others. The only rough part was having to detach/attach the chart in 19 drawings.


So it didn't matter, I would have had to open each drawing anyway. Thanks, CAD safely and with both hands. I am not sure to understand each detail (sorry), but iv you talked about add or moving block, lines and so on, your xref is a dwg file. After you reload the xref (or re-open the master file as similar process). How to install vectorworks 2016 for mac os on windows 10. The xref loaded?, you can see the content?, but not your 'new edit'.? At this point: The only known issue what i know is: There are two files in your system and your xref have special characters like UpperCase umlauts. If you checked the filename and file location/ save path and founded in path.

If that really fits, then I can not help. I can not think of anything else. Only one thing is certain: Autocad can not show an old state that does not exist. PS: Visretain, Visretainmode, Xrefoverride are only for xref object and layer properties like color and linetype, not for position of an object.

A xref is just a link to another DWG placed into your current drawing, actually AutoCAD works with it as if it’s a block which is simply loaded from that other DWG. So if you want the file size to change, you need to edit that other DWG, not the current drawing.

Sorry i am out (but following the thread) I works perfect on the local harddisc with absolute pathes?