Adobe Acrobat Pdf Printer Missing Osx

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Maybe not much relevant but also try to Print To PDF from another application. Excel check register for mac. If you have Acrobat installed, you should have an Adobe PDF Print button on the ribbon. Print a simple document to PDF by means of the Adobe PDF printer. After paying for the X1 Pro upgrade, my Adobe pdf printer is gone. Then the Adobe PDF printer is gone (there is a different way to create PDF files on a Mac),.


My office (~ 50 employees) is just starting to move from Acrobat 9 Pro to Acrobat XI Pro. So far, we have installed Acrobat XI for 14 users, and only one of them has this problem. But since we're still near the beginning of this migration, I'm afraid it will show up with other users down the road. The problem is the Adobe PDF Printer. It installed fine, but if you try to print something, say a Word document, to it, Word goes through the whole sending to printer rigmarole, but then nothing. No prompt for where to save the pdf, and no pdf.

The documents never even hit the Adobe PDF Printer queue. I checked out the known issues: and found one that sounds like it might be related to what's going on. Apparently, if the resolution of the pdf is set above 600 dpi, this can happen. I go in to the affected printer (printing preferences) to change the Adobe PDF conversion settings, and instead of 'Standard' listed under the default settings drop-down, there's nothing. Clicking Edit does nothing. Word 2016 for mac keyboard shortcuts. I went into the registry and changed it to look under ProgramData for the printing profiles instead of under the user profile, and that populated the drop-down list, but I still can't edit the settings. The only other thing that is funny about the printing preferences window is the option that is, on all working machines, called 'Rely on system fonts only; do not use document fonts' is instead called 'Do Not send fonts to 'Adobe PDF'.

I've tried repairing the install, and uninstalling (including with the Acrobat Cleaner utility), rebooting, and reinstalling, but I'm left with the same problem. This happens with a fresh install of 11.0.0, or if I update it to 11.0.06. I have been able to find only a handful of mentions of this problem online, dating back to Acrobat 8, but no solutions. The affected user is on Windows 7 64-bit, and patches are up to date. The rest of our office is on a mix of Windows 7 32-bit and 64-bit.

About half of the installs we have done so far have been on 64-bit Windows 7, but only this one machine is affected. This is drastic but you could try nuking and re-creating the print subsystem. Note: this is a measure of last resort but one that always works for me when the print subsystem is FUBAR. Un-install as many printers, print drivers and third-party print utilities as possible - this will require removing Adobe Acrobat XI too. Stop the spool service and any remaining third-party print-related services (not that there should be any left). Delete the%windir% System32 spool folder and the registry key HKLM SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Control Print.