Emuzone Org Vita Emulator Download Windows Mac Bios Included
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• This is /r/ emulation - not. All off-topic posts will be removed. • There are very few playable commercial titles for PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Xbox one, and Nintendo Switch emulators. Posts asking which games are playable/what the emulator is called/where to get it will be removed. /r/Emulation now has a Discord server!
• - Android emulation and troubleshooting - For PC and Mac emulation troubleshooting and support - Single Board Computer Gaming (Raspberry Pi, etc) Game recommendations: Interested in developing an Emulator? Join us at Android Emulator accuracy tests: • • • • • Are you an emulator developer? If you'd like a user flair reflecting that. This is what ssshadow said when asked about it on Patreon: Vita and PS3 are very different looking at the architecture. However from the point of view of making an emulator there are some similarities, simple things like having the same GUI, code for file system access and such.
Vita emulation was initially started on because there was some ideas that cross-play games and such would work out nicely in the end. Of course this is still possible with two different emulators talking to each other. Never said it was suitable for 'Vita Emulation.'
The OP clearly wants to pirate games because they're to expensive and can't find a Vita in his area. So I suggested a windows based handheld that would let him play a great deal of Visual Novels, even a huge backlog of Japanese ones that aren't on steam. I'm sure OP who can't get a hold of a vita locally can easily get a hold of several Japanese Vita games that aren't more expensive than PS4 games =. Edit: Also keep in mind Chaos Head has a windows translation, Chaos Child will have one in the future, Robotic notes I'll definitely give you, SG:0 has had the PS4 translation since like it's second week of coming out. Just because it's not through steam doesn't mean there aren't english options. I didn't say you said it was suitable for Vita emulation, I simply answered your question of what visual novels were available on console but not on PC (which I took to mean Steam rather than torrents and translation patches). You then proceeded to shift the goal-posts.

The fact of the matter is that the Vita has plenty of exclusives that need preserving and regardless of OP's motivations, I don't think it's helpful to suggest there is no need for it because you can cherry pick examples of PS4 and PC releases for a handful of titles in the library. Where are the Persona 4 Golden and Dancing All Night ports? The new Kamaitachi no Yoru games?
Time Travelers? Do I need to go on here or do you now understand the point I'm making. How did I shift the goal posts exactly? OP wants to play visual novels, he has yet to say whether he can read anything other than the English Language. There are no Vita Emulators.
So I suggested a PC based handheld that would allow him to play a plethora of Visual Novels (Many of which can be also found on the Vita). You jumped in and went on some rant about how only some English translations exist outside of larger titles like Clannad or Muv Luv in a tone that suggests that you're so above that. (*Hint, I don't care and I don't play Visual Novels).
I brought you back to reality and pointed out there are translations for the 5PB games you mentioned. Now we're here. Where you're apparently not sure who you're talking to, as I never asked anything about what novels were available on console, but not on PC. All of those games are on PC at this time, unless you specifically need them to be on steam and in English. On to your second point. I agree Vita could use some love in emulation, I'm always a big fan of higher resolutions and faster framerates. Your third point.